Family Testimonials
Jeff & Kelly- Thank you for your compassion and care you provided in a very loving and professional manner. It was a beautiful service. Roy, Mike, Dan, Kendra, & all of Sharon's family.
Jeff & Kelly~ Thanks for providing the beautiful opportunity to pay respects to Dean the was that was so deserving of him. Know that we so appreciate every detail of your service.~ Lynn, Carrie, & Bryan
So grateful for your kindness, caring and gentle patience with us in planning and implementing such a beautiful service for our mother Virginia. Blessings to you & your family.
Thank you for helping our family through this time of saying goodbye to our Mother Virginia. ~ Norris
Heartfelt thanks and appreciation to you both for all your kind care and compassion shown to us during this very difficult time in our lives. Your kindess shall always be remembered. Bless your hearts ~ Jerome Thomas & Family.
Thank you for your gentle leadership for our family through these past months. You are a gifted team. ~ Carol Sperry
I was so touched by your care and compassion for our family during this time. We will be forever grateful for all you did. ~Family of R. Nelson
Your thoughtfulness and thoroughness was superb! and appreciated. ~ Brenda
I can't thank your family enough for everything you have done for us. You made a very difficult time special just knowing how much you cared. ~ Theresa
Again, we cannot tell you how much your caring and at the same time professional manner in which you guided us through the passing of our mom, meant. There are so many things that you did and told us could be possible. It all made our decisions so much simpler. Kelly, telling me about bringing Lily (dog), I know it probably did not make sense to her (Lily), but oh how much it meant to us. You made mom's goodbye farewell so so special, we thank you. Blessings, B. & S. Spier
You made a very difficult time so much more simple and peaceful than I could ever imagine. you are such a professional and truly a pleasure to work with. Thank You, Tracie
Jeff & Kelly - Two very incredibly special people have made this process easier with your concern, dedication, and love. Comforting and understanding people's needs at a time of grief is not easy. You have a "Bob" spirit! D. Theis
Thank you for doing everything so beautifully! Your care & thoughtfulness throughout this time has been greatly appreciated. The book is exquisite-she would have loved it! Everyone who has called me says the same thing. You have made a potentially stressful situation - worry free! ~ J.K.
Thank you for the wonderful tribute you honored Ron with. I appreciate the care & detail you put into his funeral, it really showed. Many commented on how personal, original and dignified everything was. Thanks for taking that burden off of me. ~ Pat
Just a note to say thank you for the beautiful Inspirational Volume entitled "Lift Up Thine Eyes." It was a comfort and an inspiration. Thank you! ~ Doris
We are so very grateful for your professionalism, guidance, wisdom and compassion these last few weeks. You have made a very difficult time manageable and memorable. Thank you for all of your understanding and thoughtfulness. ~ Michele & Family, Shirley & Family
Thank you so much for your caring heart and kind soul in helping our family and the community. We appreciate all you do for everyone. ~ Dick & Jan
Thank you so much for helping us say goodbye to both mom and dad so nicely. The best to you always. ~ Kay
The support and encouragement you demonstrated for our family in our time of grief and sorrow was exceptional. Thank you for your comfort and compassion. ~ Craig and family
I would like to thank you two for making this hard time a little more bearable. We had many good comments on the slide show that you had done. I can see Kelly's hand in many things, I know that she is invaluable. We appreciate all of what the two of you have done.~ Kory & Marie
"Thank You" for all your help and support during a very difficult time. You attended to every detail and helped provide a very beautiful and memorable funeral experience for our family and friends. Erickson Family
I wanted to thank you so much for all you did during Uncle Bob's funeral. Your professionalism and respect is more than one could ask. Duke
Words seem so inadequate to express my gratitude for all you have done to help us. From the very beginning, you gave us a kind, confident, compassionate strength. Your leadership helped us get through one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. We are blessed by you! ~ Pat
This has been a tremendously stressful few weeks for our family. I'm so thankful the Lord brought us friends like you to make all the details easier. Denise
Thank you for all you did and do for everyone! You make everything so much more comfortable for us. Rose
Thank you for all you did for Bob's funeral. Bob looked really nice. It was great that you took care of EVERYTHING! Kelly, thanks for the great luncheon and waiting on me and Frank. Cheech
A heartfelt thank you for taking care of my mom. You did such a wonderful job and I will always be grateful. I will cherish the video always. Michelle
My sincere thanks for all of your patient help with the services for my grandmother. For all my mother's fretting about details you calmly worked with her and made her comfortable. I admire your skill in working so gently with people in trying times. ~ Wendy T.
Thank you so much for your kindness and patience. It was a difficult time, but your help and support helped us through. Thank you ~ Lori. P.
Thank you so much for all the extra service you gave us as we dealt with our great loss. The flag cover, the extra photos and additions to the register book and especially the sympathetic way in which you helped plan and execute the services. You and your staff did so much to help us in every way. And now, I have received this beautiful memorial book of the Bible in lovely art work. We are ever grateful. May God Bless you for your kindness. ~ Gert W.
On behalf of the Cambridge Police Department. I would like to express my thanks for your kind remembrance of Chief Rick Wilson. Your support not only honored Chief Wilson but also comforted the department, Chief Wilson's family, and the community. Your assistance in the Chief's funeral is greatly appreciated and you actions are a reflection of the professionalism of Carlson-Lillemoen Funeral Home. Thank you again for your kindness and sympathy during our time of loss. It give us much comfort to know that you are thinking of us. ~ Dave P.
The book is fantastic ~ who would ever think of that! ~ and so nice to see the bouquet's later when we can really "see" them. Thank your for your "Special Touches" ~ K. and All
Thank you for all you do and did for us ~ your love and care surely show in how you do your work. We appreciate all you did and all the extras ~ Late nite, Long Saturday~ your calm and gentle manner in a time when we surely needed someone like you to "think for us" and guide us through the difficult time. You're a Saint! You always have been. Thank you and will never forget your care and help. ~ Kathy and Jerry N.
Thank you for guiding us through this difficult time. The flowers were especially lovely and exactly what we wanted. Fay D
Thank you so much for taking such great care of Ray and me this last week. Of course I had no idea what went into planning a funeral. You made it all so simple. ~ Greta
Thank you so much for the wonderful kindness, grace, and respect you've showed to us throughout C.J.'s funeral times. We are so grateful. ~ J.W.
Thank you for your service regarding my mom's graveside memorial. You made it easier for us and we are pleased. Thanks for helping us carry out my mom's wishes. You two do a fine job. ~ Linda and Gary
Thank you for all you did to help us through a very difficult time. You were so kind and gracious, thank you! ~ Family of Marge
Thank you for the floral arrangement. Thank you for everything you did for mom. ~Linda & Bruce, Gord & Dee Dee
Thanks so much for you flawless handling of the combined service for mom and dad. You made it look effortless. Your attention to detail made for a really memorable day. ~ Shirley C.
Thank you all for your caring services. ~ Betsy's family
Thank you so much for the wonderful services we received from you. Now I know why it is called a funeral home. It is like coming "home" for comfort & safety during a storm. Thank you for my mom, my dad, & Carl's services. You have created loving & peaceful memories for a beautiful goodbye. I'll always remember your kindness. ~ Caral B.
Thank you for your great & comforting services you provide. ~ Cheech, George, Duke
Thank you so much for the beautiful Service of Remembrance. It was so inspiring and comforting. We appreciate your caring and concern. ~ Lewis & Barbara L.
Thanks so much for your professional and personal services connected with my mother's passing and memorial service. Besides your good advice, special thanks for all your work and Curt's on the day of the service at the funeral home and cemetery. ~ Terry A.
I want to thank you both for the wonderful support given to me during the planning of my brother's funeral. I honestly could not of done it without you both. There are not enough words to honor you for your sympathy, kindness, patience, and how beautiful my brother's funeral was. A truly heartfelt thank you. ~ Sharon N.
I wanted to send you a heartfelt thank you for making Rebecca's funeral and viewing absolutely perfect. Your truly have gifts to make everything run smoothly and beautiful. Thank you ~ Phil & Jessica D.
Thank you so much for all of your help with funeral arrangements for my husband/our dad, James. We truly appreciate everything you did for us- you helped make a difficult day special and not so difficult! ~ James W. family
A big thank you to all of you for you wonderful service as we all honored mom at the funeral. Every detail was taken care of in such a loving way. My dad would be so proud to see what a good job is being done at the funeral home and how you are serving the community so well. ~ Phil & Cecilia C.
You went way beyond treating us like royalty when mom died. Your attention to detail is amazing. It was so comforting to be able to call you and you just took care of everything. The job you did for us was caring, comforting, and impeccable! Thank you again for everything. ~ Guy & Diana
Thank you so much for helping us honor Floyd. I will always appreciate all you hard work and I just want you to know you were such a blessing to me and our family during this sad and difficult time. ~ Faye and family
Thank you so much for all the help you gave us during Bill's visitation and funeral. Bill looked very good and peaceful. ~ Nancy S. and family
Thanks so much for being so caring, understanding, and patient with us. Mom looked so nice. You did such a nice job with our pictures and books. The video was great. We appreciate all you did for us. ~ Kay
We would like to thank you for a very dignified and beautiful memorial service for Cindy. Thank you for your professional, caring, and compassionate services. ~ Family of Cindy E.
Thank you so much for everything you did for my grandma's funeral. She looked so peaceful and beautiful. It was a very nice day to remember her. ~ Jennifer S.
We would like to thank you and your staff for helping us during this difficult time. It was a beautiful funeral which truly honored her life and you all did a wonderful job in making it a special day for all of us. We can't ever express in enough words how thankful we are for all you did. Thank you ~ Kevin & Sherry L.
Thank you for sending dad's Christmas ornament. I also want to take this opportunity to thank you for the wonderful service you provided to dad and to our family. You made the whole time easier for us. ~ Sue Ann & family
There are no words to thank you for all you've done. You made this difficult time so much easier than I could've imagined. Your kind hearts will be remembered forever. ~ The Blomquist's
We have always held you in high regard, but working with you personally served to deepen the respect and admiration we have for you. The two of you serve families who are in tough times in amazing ways. We are so blessed to have you in Cambridge doing what you do. ~ Annie
Website Testimonials
This is a great service! Very special, makes someone far away feel closer. The Memorial Candles are great! ~ Lori
You guys do a wonderful job! I'm so impressed! ~ Patty
Nice website. Easy to understand. ~ Jim and Bonnie
I sure like this website. When I have more time I will use this to write my memories to both my aunt and my mom. Your thoughtfulness and being most helpful was greatly appreciated. It must be a challenging career, but you are doing great.~ Evonne
As we are Winter Texans, we appreciate being able to contact families in our home area of Cambridge. ~ Ruby & Dick
Great site, great everything you have to offer during the time of sadness or loss. Great, great site..... ~ Dawn
What a great service for those of us who use the internet. Thank you. ~ Alicia
Your Testimonial
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