Booklets & Publications
Listed below are just a few of the informational literature that we have available. If you would like for us to send you a free copy of any of the booklets listed below give us a call us or, simply e-mail us.
"Surviving the death of a child" This booklet will help you to cope with one of the greatest of all tragedies. It gives you ideas and suggestions for managing your pain and grief. It will help you move on, instead of letting it overwhelm your life.
"The grief of suicide" Sensitively explores some of the emotions of sadness, confusion, anger and guilt that the bereaved often feel when a loved one has committed suicide.
"Facing sudden loss" This looks at the issues raised for grieving family and friends when dealing with a death as a result of a traumatic accident, violence, or disaster. It examines some of the reactions and feelings that occur with the unexpected death of a loved one.
"What is cremation?" It addresses commonly asked questions regarding cremation, including questions about the cremation process, what type of ceremony can you have, and how you decide if cremation is right for you or your loved one.
"Surviving the loss of a parent" It is meant to provide some support to anyone who is going through the natural, normal and inevitable loss of a parent. It examines something that we all expect to go through but are seldom ready for the feelings and emotions that such a loss brings out.
"Surviving the death of a spouse" Grief, anger, guilt and confusion often combine in an emotion that feels strange to the one experiencing it, and that is difficult for others to understand.
"What can I do?" At the time of loss, many people are unsure of how to offer comfort, what to say or how to act. This guide offers advice.
"Am I supposed to feel like this?" The booklet addresses topics from "What will grief make me feel like?" to "Putting your life back together."
"Talking to children about death" It assures parents and other caregivers that there are no "right answers" that will make grief and confusion varnish.
"Why do we have funerals?" Explains in everyday language, why funerals are important. Funerals give us permission to grieve, and to realize and appreciate the connections our loved one had established with others. Answers to commonly asked questions about embalming, cremation, caskets and more are given.
"Pre-arranging your funeral" Explains the advantages of pre-planning your funeral, and give tips on the details that are typically included in pre-arrangements.
"One Day There'll Be An Empty Chair" The realization that someday your loved one will be gone.