Children's Grief Connection
Hearts of Hope is a grief camp that provides an encouraging environment and support network to children who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling, or significant friend. These two-day camps provide opportunities for children to meet other children whose loved ones have died and to share their feelings and memories. Memorialization activities include candle lighting, balloon releases, and arts & crafts, in addition to typical camp fun and games. The children also have an opportunity to address any unanswered medical questions regarding the death of their loved one with a physician.
The Chlidren's Grief Connection believes that mourning is a process, not a journey or one-time event; that mourning is a natural reaction to the death of a loved one, not an illness to be cured or diagnosed; and that grieving children will often talk through or play out their concerns and fears if provided with a safe, supportive, non-judgmental environment.
If your child is grieving the death of a loved one, Children's Grief Connection is here to help. To register your child for Hearts of Hope, contact us at Carlson- Lillemoen Funeral Home at 763-689-2244763-689-2244 or by email jeff@carlsonlillemoen.com
We have application forms and would be honored to sponsor your child.
Hearts of Hope Camp is free to all campers. Their camps are made possible by the generous support of members of the Minnesota Funeral Directors Association and the funeral service community of Minnesota, which we at Carlson-Lillemoen Funeral Home are members of.
Children's Grief Connection
Plymouth, MN 55441
Phone: 763-550-01577
Fax: 763-398-0118
Website: www.childrensgriefconnection.com