At a cemetery, lives are commemorated, deaths are recorded, families are reunited, memories are made tangible and love is undisguised. Communities accord respect, families bestow reverence, historians seek information and our heritage is thereby enriched.
Testimonies of devotion, pride and remembrance are carved in stone to pay warm tribute to accomplishments and to the life - not death - of a loved one. The cemetery is homeland for family memorials that are a sustaining source of comfort to the living. A cemetery is a history of people; a perpetual record of yesterday and a sanctuary of peace and quiet today. A cemetery exists because every life is worth remembering - always. As a convenience we have included a listing of many of the local cemeteries in our area.
Aetna/Atna Cemetery
Phone: 763-291-3691
Contact: Alan Fredrickson
Athens Lutheran Cemetery
Phone: (763) 444-4119
Contact: LeRoy Christensen
Calvary Lutheran Cemetery - Rush Point
Phone: (763) 689-5717
Contact: Cliff Williams
Cambridge Lutheran Cemetery
Phone: (763) 689-2830
Contact: Glenn Lood
Cambridge Union Cemetery
Phone: (763) 688-0210
Contact: Scott Iverson
Christ The King Catholic Cemetery
Phone: (763) 689-1983
Contact: Jerry Warring
Dalbo Baptist Cemetery
Phone: (763) 689-1428
Contact: Donn Olson
East Bradford Cemetery/Kienitz
Phone: (763) 444-4708
Contact: Marilyn Olson
Fish Lake Baptist Cemetery
Phone: (763) 689-1757
Contact: Gladys Skogman
Fish Lake Lutheran Cemetery
Phone: (763) 689-5099
Contact: Terry Olson
Fridsborg Cemetery
Phone: (320) 396-4892
Contact: Brian Bostrom
Gerdin Cemetery
Phone: (763) 444-5300
Contact: Jim Johnson
Grasston Union Cemetery
Phone: 320-396-3034
Contact: Grant Tragethon
Green Lake Cemetery
Phone: 763-389-1789
Contact: Bob Blackbird
Isanti Union Cemetery
Phone: (763) 444-5479
Contact: Roger Bostrom
Karmel Covenant Cemetery
Phone: (763) 389-4236
Contact: Lee Olson
King Cemetery
Phone: (763) 689-1164
Contact: Diane Johnson
Lakeside Cemetery
Phone: (763) 444-5241
Contact: Lyle Peterson
Long Lake Community Cemetery
Phone: (763) 444-5357
Contact: Phil Lundeen
Nichols (Nicholas) Cemetery
Phone: (763) 444-5447
Contact: Richard Hansen
North Isanti Baptist Cemetery
Phone: (612) 390-2643
Contact: Bobby Olson
Oak Knoll Cemetery - Princeton
Phone: 763-389-2040
Contact: City of Princeton
Oak Leaf Cemetery - East Bethel
Phone: 763-367-7840
Contact: City of East Bethel
Oak View Cemetery - St. Francis
Phone: 763-753-1267
Contact: Graydon Peterson
Oakwood Cemetery - Mora
Phone: 320-679-1511
Contact: City of Mora
Oxford Union Cemetery
Phone: 763-444-9431
Contact: Lee Setter
Rice Lake Cemetery - Braham
Phone: 320-396-2225
Contact: Gary Savsten
Rush Point Baptist Cemetery
Phone: (320) 396-2898
Contact: Jim Dellwo
Salem Lutheran Cemetery - Oxford
Phone: 651-462-5502
Contact: Gordy Peterson
Salem Lutheran Cemetery of Dalbo
Phone: (320) 396-3507
Contact: Ralph Krafve
Siloa Lutheran Cemetery
Phone: 320-396-3237
Contact: Wallace Bengtson
South Maple Ridge Cemetery
Phone: 320-396-2582
Contact: LeAnne Sanborn
Spring Lake Lutheran Cemetery
Phone: 651-674-4459
Contact: Jim Fisk
Springvale Baptist Cemetery
Phone: (763) 689-1388
Contact: Dean Lund
St. Edward's Catholic Cemetery - Princeton
Phone: 763-389-2096
Contact: Joseph Trunk
St. John Lutheran Cemetery of Weber
Phone: (763) 444-5807
Contact: Harlan Bellin
Stanchfield Baptist Cemetery
Phone: (763) 689-4338
Contact: Dave Marshall
Stanford Cemetery
Phone: 763-444-5935
Contact: Robert Wicht
Strike Cemetery
Phone: (763) 444-5212
Contact: Hugo Strike
Trinity Lutheran Cemetery - North Branch
Phone: 651-674-7047
Contact: Roger Anderson
Wyanett Free (Bethany) Cemetery
Phone: 763-689-6891
Contact: Russ Hannan
Zion Lutheran Cemetery of Crown
Phone: (763) 856-2572
Contact: Robert Ricke
Ft. Snelling National Cemetery
7601 34th Ave. S Minneapolis MN 55450
Phone: (612) 726-1127
Lakewood Cemetery
3600 Hennepin Ave. Minneapolis MN55408
Phone: (612) 822-2171
Coon Rapids
Morningside Memorial Gardens