To better meet the complete needs to families that we serve, we offer catering services for visitations, memorial gatherings, after-service receptions, and at other times that are needed. Your family and guests can enjoy a sit-down relaxing meal together. We can also help you with catering services at other locations as well.
Hosting a catered event is a warm gesture and allows your guests to socialize and continue to support each other. Our staff will take care of all of the details for you.
Family Lounge Catering Service
Many families feel they do not want to leave once a visitation has started. We can arrange to have a sandwich, fruit, vegetable or dessert tray available for you to eat at your leisure and remain together as a family.
Church Catering
All of our local churches provide a funeral lunch served by church volunteers for their members after the service.
From intimate settings to large gatherings let us do the work for you.